Primos Decoy Killer B Turkey [69021]

Primos Decoy Killer B Turkey [69021]

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Primos Decoy Killer B Turkey [69021]
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  • Model: 69021
  • MPN: 69021
  • UPC: 010135690212

Primos Decoy Killer B Turkey [69021] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your hunting decoys. Browse our selection of hunting decoys and more.

.Killer B the strutting gobbler decoy is made from the same proprietary formula as B-Mobile. You can also roll up Killer B for easy carry in your vest. This is the most realistic decoy on the market. Killer B has a silk tail fan that can move from full strut, strut or lying flat. Even his updated posture makes him look more like a strutting gobbler. Comes with a carrying bag.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 010135690212
MPN: 69021
Class: Decoys
Make: Killer B
Series: Decoy
Species: Gobbler
Motor: None
Quantity: 1
Color: Brown
Material: Synthetic
Audible or Motion: 90' Pull Line
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